Living into the John 17:23 call
John 17:23 “May they (the Church) be brought to complete unity to let the world know that You sent me (Jesus) and have loved them (all people) even as you have loved Me (Jesus)”
What does it mean to come together for the well-being and blessing of the city? What is Jesus saying to us, the Church in John 17:23? John records the last prayers and words of Jesus to his disciples before His crucifixion and resurrection. Jesus is imparting key truths of God’s Kingdom to the believers. Jesus is emphasizing the necessity of UNITY.
What is unity? The word unity that is used is actually the numeral one. Jesus is calling the church to walk in unity so through the oneness of the church, the world will know. The call and purpose of the Church is to walk in unity so that the world will know Jesus.
As we study the great revivals of history, we see that God moves powerfully in particular communities and brings His transformation where two common themes exist: prayer and unity in the Church seeking the face of God on behalf of their city. You would never find one without the other. Unity was not the means to their end of revival rather unity was the very core of their existence.
God demonstrates unity in His character as Father, Son and Holy Spirit. All three are separate individuals yet they live as one. The Church (the collective Church) is called to demonstrate this unity in our identity. Even though we are individual churches and may belong to specific denominations of churches – we are still collectively one as the Church in the city and world.
Jesus says that when the world sees us, the Church live and walk in unity, then the world will see the love of Jesus. This is not an easy call. How do we balance individualism and uniqueness in the context of unity and collective identity? How can we all get along when we believe our practices and ways alone are the right way? How can we walk in unity when we at times don’t even like other believers? Unity is only possible through the sacrifice of Jesus who restored what was broken and through Him we are united with the Father and with each other. His sacrifice restored what was broken. This unity is possible by the power of God through the Holy Spirit empowering believers to do things we cannot do by our own strength. The call to unity is a call to humility, sacrifice and surrender. This is God’s call for His Church.
God’s call for the Church to walk in unity is a life-long journey and process. We are beginning to live out this call of John 17:23 in the community of Alhambra. On 10/30/05 four churches came together to sponsor the Hallelujah Harvest Fair. Alhambra Bethany Church, Alhambra Friends Church, Alhambra True Light Presbyterian Church and Chinese Bible Missions Church LA partnered together to bless the community of Alhambra with God’s love. We are four distinctively unique churches and yet were able to partner together to be a witness to God’s love for Alhambra. We each brought gifts and strengths to the event and it was so amazing to watch God weave all of the aspects of who we are together as an outpouring and demonstration of His love for Alhambra. We had game booths, crafts, bouncy house, a skate park (a ministry of Bethany Church), food, the Police Department did a K9 demonstration, the Fire Department brought their truck to teach people what they do, bands played proclaiming God’s love through music. This was a completely free event for the community because we wanted people to be blessed by God’s love and presence. The coming together of these four churches was key to God’s love being seen. We can do many things as individuals; however, we can do so much more when we let God bring us together. This is God’s call and heart for us, His Church, His people.
Wednesday, November 09, 2005
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